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Maxwell Leadership Podcast

May 31, 2023

Today we’re talking about how to put people in their place. No, not like that! This is about how to put the right people in the right place in your organization. See, you might have all-star players on your team, but if they’re not in positions that utilize their strengths, passions, and know-how, your business is...

May 24, 2023

Today we’re excited to invite Mark Cole and John Maxwell’s good friend, Ron Simmons, onto the podcast. Ron has many years of leadership experience, and he shares some of the most important lessons he’s learned in his new book, Life Lessons from the Little Red Wagon. You, our listeners, should also be excited about...

May 17, 2023

This week, we continue our two-part series on How to Have Job Security! During economic uncertainty, employees and leaders alike are asking two big questions: “How can I make sure my job is secure?”, and “Do I have the right people on my team?” This series will help you answer both questions!

After John’s...

May 10, 2023

This week, we begin a brand-new, two-part series on How to Have Job Security! This lesson is for two kinds of people: 

1) People who want to be invaluable to their company

2) Leaders who want to recruit invaluable people to their company

If my math is correct, that’s everyone on this planet in the workforce....

May 3, 2023

We have a very exciting episode for you today! John Maxwell joins Mark Cole to discuss John’s new book, The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication! You’ll learn how Mark has been a case study in the principles in this book throughout the years John has coached him to be a more effective communicator. 

You’ll learn...